Your Entire IT Infrastructure, Condensed into ONE Service: Monitoring as a Service

Do you know that the most important part of your business is also the one that is most overlooked? Your laptops, IT infrastructures, like people, are sensitive to illnesses and will display signs and symptoms with dwindling health. Are you able to identify these symptoms when they come up?

Monitoring as a service (MaaS) can cover you! With the use of a centralized platform, MaaS can tell whenever your device is showing signs of weakness. This envelops all facets of its health, including things like hardware temperature, storage limits and system performance.

That’s not even the best part! Let us at That’s IT take care of the monitoring for you. That means no daily systems check or learning new software to implement. We cover all of that for you, notifying you only when attention is needed. This gives you the peace of mind without all the work!



The pandemic in 2020 also showed us that your business should be ready to adapt to the environment. This refers to new norms like a work-from-home structure that businesses are adopting to ensure both the safety and welfare of their employees. MaaS enables managers to track active applications used, device online status and blocking out applications/websites that could obstruct productivity.

Like illnesses that humans face, computers also display symptoms during the preliminary stages of sickness. It is important to identify these in time to help you prevent larger break-fix issues in the future.

Also, it makes sure that your device is performing optimally throughout your daily business operations by identifying specific factors that are slowing down your devices, like storage capacity limitations and overworking of the CPU or GPU. This allows your staff to make the most out of their devices and work efficiently.


Implementation of MaaS to your systems can be almost immediate. That’s IT strongly encourage most businesses to consider a monitoring system and service for their devices to avoid costly errors and problems that may occur in the future.

What sets That’s IT apart is that we have proactive communication systems in place for when signs of illness in devices are being brought up, so our clients will never have to worry about system diagnostics. Contact us for more information no

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